Monday, June 27, 2022

What's New Pussy Cat....

 Well, let's see. In the last year since my blog updated, I've worked at a smoke shop. I was also given a managers position for 2 stores then been given 2 more. I'm in love with this new pet I was given; 47 year old Red Lored Amazon Parrot named JoJo. And I have watched my daughter turn into this semi-athletic rambunctious amazing ball of chaos.

Nothing short of Beautiful Chaos has filled my life in the last year. And boy, am I proud but also exhausted at the same time. (lol) 

Thursday, February 11, 2021

So Much Change...

 So much has changed since i started this blog. 

I've been thru so much and i have survived even MORE than i ever thought that i could stand. I wont lie & say that im "okay" but im still here and thats all i can do. Wake up and live each day for what it is. Another day i have. 

I'd like to take this opportunity to say i have A NEW JOB and im loving it, honestly!

I've been working at a smoke/vape shop for about 2 weeks and so far its been really great. the hours are good and since a new store will be opening up in BRAZORIA soon im even more excited. that store will be my main location and i'll have been a part of that store since it's first day *love it*

We have so many items!! hand pipes, water pipes, e-nail, dabs, carts of cbd and delta 8, nicotine disposables, delta 8 & cbd flower, gummies and of course  kratom.

i've learned so much about this store & its contents! 

Stay Tuned for MUCH more to come!!!

Saturday, September 9, 2017

What a leak

This is not me's just venting and contemplating...
Anyone else happy that school will be back in session this week?
Yay. Me too.
Anyone else wondering where their child will be sleeping because their house has water damage or no walls right now?
Yay. Me too.
Anyone else thinking of keeping their kids out just a few more days, let them be evacuated to wherever, while your home gets put back together.....
Shit. Me too.
Am I a good mom? IDK
Am I making the right choice for them? IDK
Will the school punish them for not being at school for the first 3 days? IDK
But do I care? No.
I'll fight it. My kids have no where to sleep in my home. We can't get to most of their clothes.
Did we have it as bad as others? No way. But I'm not letting my kids come home to rooms so full of, you can barely open the door. Rooms so  bare and so torn up, that you can see daylight thru holes in the walls.
I'm tough as nails when it comes to my kids....but this house isn't there home and if I can spare them from...maybe feeling less safe in this home, because they saw how weakend it was.... This house is safe. This is their house. This house, was bought, so they would have more safe places than the apartment we were crammed into.
I'm at a loss....
Anyone else have kids going back to school this week, but y'all are still flooded out, evacuated, no beds, house in deconstruction mode? I'm freaking out here. I'm so lost. I don't even know what to do. Right now, I'm sitting, hidden away, in the bathroom, on the toilet, not even doing anything, just sitting here, thinking...... And the only thing I know, is I will never, ever, ever, figure out why there's this leak in our tub.... I have so much to be thankful for, that others don't right now. My home, is standing, not floating. My home didn't have multiple feet of water in it. My children and animals are all safe. My spouse worked thru the storm when some had no jobs. He worked hard and he came home when I needed him to. My parents and grandparents worked hard with their homes and  kids and with my emotional strength. We did not have to leave the only house my kids call home. My life is not anything to complain about. I'm blessed. But I'm also frazzled. I have no idea what to think right now. Can I just take a morning nap? Would that be okay?
Can we just cancel school for a bit longer lmao

Friday, September 1, 2017

What Evacuation?

As much frustration as you all seem to have with your city officials, most everyone did get out alive except for people who drove into flood waters. Our death toll has and will be far far less than Katrina which was a weaker storm. I think our officials did the best they could with the little time they had.

People are pissed at Bay City for being evacuated. Others are pissed for not being evacuated soon enough.

It's up to you, not the government, to make sure you and your family is safe. We all knew about this storm my Wednesday evening, Thursday morning at the latest. If you don't watch the news, it was all over our newsfeeds. I'm not trying to be rude..  Just trying to explain so next time you can get you and your family out long before the officials ever call for you to do so. We played it safe and got us and our family to safety Thursday morning. We were still in the red but we got us to higher ground.

It is also my understanding that most shelters especially in Matagorda County and the outer lying areas were accepting pets. I have several friends who stayed at shelters with theirs.

There was no excuse to stay behind. I can say that even knowing my dad was one of the idiots who stayed behind. Just because everyone else is staying in a town about to be leveled doesn't mean that you should.

This is the coast and we all knew it was only a matter of time before a storm like this hit. Everyone should have had an escape plan long before this storm ever showed up. Why should the government have to tell you to be safe?

(Posted elsewhere.. But relevant here as well)
A post by Katie k.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Itty Bitty Tropical Storm

This is just a little something, written by a friend of mine, Katie Kidney

Last Wednesday, Texans woke up to a little bitty tropical storm knocking on their coastline. We all shook our heads at it and went along our way.

Then, we were forced to evacuate our little lakeside lot. We were upset, confused, and frustrated. We really didn't have the means to evacuate, but evacuate we did.. Across town. We weren't sure we were far enough from harm's way, but we knew this storm would be a Category 1 at best.

You all know now that we were terribly wrong but by the time Texans knew this, it was already too late for many of us to evacuate. We knew if we evacuated we probably wouldn't make it back. So we stayed.

For six days, we went without electricity - and for three of those days, we were cut off completely from the outside world -  except for those friends who kept me updated via text. I owe Delta Book, Andi Leigh Bradford, and Walter Thompson so many thanks for keeping me updated..

But nothing prepared me for the images and the footage of my home.  The destruction goes on for miles and miles along our coast and my stomping grounds are either filled with flood waters, about to be, or flattened to the ground.

All of my friends got out alive. Some have nothing to return to. If you can donate to Texas, please do, but even if you don't, remember, Texas HAS seen worse, and Texas WILL rebuild.

And if you say something about how Texans deserve this, well, honey, we will just bless your heart and continue helping one another (I bet you expected violence from me, huh? 😂)

Two things to remember about us down here: We are #TexasStrong but we are also #TexasKind.

Hurricane Harvey can kiss all of our asses.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Harvey in Brazoria County

Harvey In Brazoria County has been keeping up with all of the goings on, during the last week. This devastating storm took over the major areas from just west of Rockport to, just east of the Louisiana/Texas borders.
Nothing has been easy on anyone, except helping. This storm has brought so many people together by volunteering, it's absolutely amazing.
There's shelters opening thier doors to humans and animals. The county fairgrounds has more animals than they can count, but they're all safe. Schools have become a shelter or safe haven. It's just absolutely heartbreaking to see the photos and videos and witnessing all the devastation that has occured since tropical storm Harvey, became a Category 3, then 4, Hurricane on August 24, 2017.
Many homes, lost forever. Others lost for weeks. Animals, pets and loved ones have been left behind. This entire week has been so emotional for so many people and it's not quite over yet.
The rains have stopped, but the rivers haven't reached their peak yet and are said to continue on the rise till some time tomorrow (Thursday).
I would like to keep going, but this is all I wanted to convey for now.

Please, be safe. Stay dry.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Caos De Vida- Preface

Welcome to "Caos De Vida"
Yall know me and know that i dont have much of a filter when it comes to life. well, heres what happens when i get a whild hair to write things down...

Now, where to start..... How about in the "right now" of life so that i can give you just a hint of whats going on "right now" okay?!

"What's 'really' going on here..."

At this moment I am contemplating "the number 42", if you dont know that reference, please watch "The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy". Its only 1:15 am and im not even the foggiest bit tired. Hmmm thats actually rather concearning. Well, the husband and I have 4 children living in/out of the house that are ours and 2 living out of the house that we have adopted one way or the other. (we have grandkids *sqwee*) Ah, yes, Erick has a great job and im about to get a great job as well. Our kids are all healthy, as are we. Our pets are all happy/healthy and we are waiting to get a small building so that we can put our reptiles in a room of their own. yes they need a room of their own. We live in a house that we just bought in Feb. this year. (i know right?), and with so many animals that i just like saying that, "we have a zoo", instead of answering with all the types we now own. (seriously, wait for the chart below haha) My husband, Polar Bear, drives a running Toyota truck and i drive a great 2005 Tahoe (i named her Martha). Oh back to the ZOO.... we have Great Danes, 2 infact, a Schnauzer, a Pit Bull, 5 Red Tail Boas (all different), 4 hermit crabs, a Reticulated Python, Red Tegu named Gator, 6 different morphs of Leopard Geckos, a crested &  gargoyle gecko, 2 rabbits, a pet rat tamed timmy, and lest we forget the 2 different types of roaches that i breed to feed my geckos & bearded dragons...oh yeah, we have 3 of those. Ever wonder if you could turn your days tasks into a "what my time is spent doing..." pie chart, what that would look like? MINE, the largest slice of that imaginary cherry pie would be laundry or feeding something. HAHA, no really. i'm pretty sure it would look like the most unproportionately sliced thing you have ever seen....ksndnfnbihte54eascdvfbgnhmi,.c>C!SV BN<Kuk8&^5rgsfCZDswe3

Whoops, sorry, 3 am came early and i had fallen asleep. Its now almost 11 am and i have spent the last few hours playing with and feeding all my morning eaters. so fun just having a saturday morning to ourselves and watch tv, play with the dog in my living room and eat breakfast as needed.
Oh and this is what gets fed around here... Machine generated alternative text:
Red Tail Boas 
1 Retic 
Leo Geckos 
restie/Ga rgoyle 
Hermit Cra bs 
Ra bbits 
1 Rat 
1 Tegu 
xa ay 
Ix a week 
Ix a week 
Ix at night 
Ix at night 
Ix a day 
2x a day 
Ix a day 
2x a day 
2x a day 
Ix at night 
2x a day

9/24/2016 3:29 PM - Screen Clipping

 So why did I start out with the "right now"? Well, i just wanted to tell you that i have an amazing and chaotic life but it has taken me so much to get where i am that i had to start with whats looks like the end of the story so that you wouldnt be discouraged of the outcome when you get to the gnitty gritty. 

Next Time On "Caos De Vida"

Monday, April 20, 2015

Fatso Got A Bobo...

Well, goober baby aka Fatso, was playing with my father at my parents home like she does all the time. She likes to run across the room, jump into a bean bag chair and slide the rest of the way across the living room.... Well.... yesterday (4-19-15) she did one of her regular jumps into said chair, and instead did a home plate slide into the bean bag chair on their hard wood floor, the chair stopped and fatso kept going....chin first into the floor.  Me, the hubs and Murphy & groucho were just trying to keep calm.... then I saw blood and we jet out like a bat outta hell.....After 5 hrs of waiting, fatso got 5 stitches in the meat portion of the bobo and 8 on the top layers of skin....She screamed and pleaded to make the doc stop and that she had to pee, and that she was hot, and sweating and scared. For 35 min she pleaded and screamed. They washed and cleaned and numbed and did shot after shot....finally we left and soon after walking out, other than pain, she was fine. The process itself exhausted her poor body. She was however up at 5 am bright eyed and Bushey tailed lol.

We took the bandaid that was protecting the area off today and now she's leary of anything touching it or even looking at it....She's being so good about being careful tho.  My big girl.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

To love or to lie.....

to love is to lie.
but with out lies,
there's no truth in life
That's needed to be found.

for within life itself,
lies are only becoming truth,
but only long enough
to make us loose perspective.

through tough lies & hard lives
has thruth been lost and found? finding them, believing them,
leaves us running round & round...

To much aingst, and pent up emotions....I blame this on love and other drugs such as my glass of moscato WINE.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Catch 22 S.ugar H.oney I.ce T.ea!!!!!!!!

Let me start by saying that my kids came to TW from Wild Peach Elementary! A school where they (D. Terry & the other wonderful ladies in the office) work with you when you have scheduling differences. Where my Curly Top would have been at school all day and my Toe Head would not get PENALIZED just cause momma AINT GOT NO DAMN CAR!!!!

Though TW may have seemed to be a great school in the beginning, I cant see why anyone has thier kids in BISD elementary schools. HOW THE HELL ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO HAVE A LIFE AND STILL GET YOUR KIDS DOCTORS APPT??????

I'm beginning to think there's mention of
of TW in there....this school seems to
be a joke in itself.
We only have one vehicle, and at my kids OTHER school, that would not have been a problem. Here in BISD territory however.....thats apparently a big NO-NO!! In WPE Curly Top would have been allowed to be in school till 3:30 like all the other kids and get just as much out of class as possible. HERE: its 10:55 release and no exceptions. At WPE it would not have been a problem to pull Toe Head out at 2pm so that I wouldnt be late for his 3:30 pick up due to a WIC or DR appt that Curly Top or Fatso or myself has. HERE @ TW its considered an absence no matter if the child is pulled after 10am or 3pm. If I pulled Toe Head at 3:20pm its a "Partial Day" absence and it counts. If I have to pick up Toe Head a bit early cause I dont have a car and me and my other kids have to be somewhere, my 6 yr old suffers. If i have to pull my kids out early just so that I can pack them all up and hitch a ride either with a friend or on transit, the school of all people should understand.

I mean I'm sorry but if a CHILDRENS school cant understand that if mom goes, sometimes the kids have to go....then what good are they as employees of a school where KIDS ARE IMPORTANT? This does NOT exclude in anyway, secretaries, mediators, teachers, HIGH FALUTIN SNOBBY PARENTS....SERIOUSLY, If that is how things are here in BISD and @TW then someone tell me why they are so good for my kids? Ass we all know, my oldest son was "LOST" a few weeks ago along with another child in his grade. Toe Head was supposed to be a car-rider and he walked home with no one knowing where he was. The other child somehow got home about 12 and when his parent got to the school to pick him up at 3:30pm there was no explanation as to why he was not there. NO ONE KNEW FOR A FEW HOURS THAT A CHILD WAS MISSING...and yet I'm sure he was not counted as being absent seeing as no one realized he was gone in the first place. how can one friggin hour have any bit of effect on MY SON at the end of the day????? FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, they're outside on the playground most of the time. tell me how that makes a difference???!!!!

SOME PEOPLE.....need to take life with a grain of salt,,,,AND MAKE THEIR HOME IN THE SAHARA!!!!

If i have in-fact touched a nerve in anyone, GOOD! if i've gotten on a nerve, WHO CARES ITS MY BLOG- express yourself in a comment. If you are like me (when im not fuming mad) and you have found all the punctuation mistakes, See #3 of my first post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!