My Recollection


One September day in 2000, while driving home from my boyfriends house in Angleton, I got very sleepy. I tried to ignore it but it was not working. Cranked the radio. BLASTED the cold a/c. Nothing was working!

I knew then that the drive home could very well be my last drive. I. WAS. SCARED!!!

I knew that when I left their house I shouldn't have been driving but I had to make it home in time for church that night. I had promised mom that if she let us go alone, I'd be back on time.

Well, its wasn't long before I started getting tired and veering off the road. Awakened by the rumble strips on the road I kept "coming to" but nothing I was doing would keep me awake. I should have made a phone call to keep my eyes open but I just didn't. My little brother was asleep already before we had even made it 10 min down the road. As I knew would happen. I do 100% believe that it's a genetic downfall that runs in my family. If you are in a car and you're not the one driving, you will fall asleep!

I remember waking up to the sounds of screeching tires, breaking glass, the sound of people yelling and horns going off in all directions. I have glints of what i think were a red truck, a grey pole and lots of grass. Thank God we were both wearing our seat belts. Things could have gotten a hell of a lot worse than they were from the get go.

From there on out it was flashes of lights, colors, a daze, fog like memories that still haven't come clear in my mind. I know what happened but, what order? What came first? Who was that person? Why are they pulling my body out onto a stretcher? And WHY isn't Ian moving?????????

I think it was just before the intersection of Hwy 35 & 13th st in West Columbia, Texas. I had completely fallen asleep and started to drift further and further off the road.

I woke up to sounds and people everywhere. I saw EMS trucks, I think a fire truck, a police car or two maybe.

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