My Initial Mission Statement

Understanding that the point of all this was to "Just Vent It Out, Before You Explode", Id like to first say that i hate when people cant spell at the ages of 20, 30 and up....."yu shud b ovr herr cuz werr drnkn n hvn a bl" translation..."you should be over here cause were having a ball" you are only leaving out a few letters here and there, JUST PUT THEM IN!

2nd, why would anyone in their right mind want to live where they are not wanted....I'M OUT OF HERE! I love you people but this is all for the birds.....

3rd id like to say that even as i get angry that people cant spell, I CANT PUNCTUATE WELL...sorry!

LASTLY, all events recorded and entered here are actual events; happy, sad, hilarious, horrible, comical or obviously retarded.....ALL TRUE! Names may be changed and will not be revealed so, if you happen to figure out my "code" KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!!!!

OUTTIE 5000!!!

~~~Senorita VENTura~~~

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