Saturday, September 24, 2016

Caos De Vida- Preface

Welcome to "Caos De Vida"
Yall know me and know that i dont have much of a filter when it comes to life. well, heres what happens when i get a whild hair to write things down...

Now, where to start..... How about in the "right now" of life so that i can give you just a hint of whats going on "right now" okay?!

"What's 'really' going on here..."

At this moment I am contemplating "the number 42", if you dont know that reference, please watch "The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy". Its only 1:15 am and im not even the foggiest bit tired. Hmmm thats actually rather concearning. Well, the husband and I have 4 children living in/out of the house that are ours and 2 living out of the house that we have adopted one way or the other. (we have grandkids *sqwee*) Ah, yes, Erick has a great job and im about to get a great job as well. Our kids are all healthy, as are we. Our pets are all happy/healthy and we are waiting to get a small building so that we can put our reptiles in a room of their own. yes they need a room of their own. We live in a house that we just bought in Feb. this year. (i know right?), and with so many animals that i just like saying that, "we have a zoo", instead of answering with all the types we now own. (seriously, wait for the chart below haha) My husband, Polar Bear, drives a running Toyota truck and i drive a great 2005 Tahoe (i named her Martha). Oh back to the ZOO.... we have Great Danes, 2 infact, a Schnauzer, a Pit Bull, 5 Red Tail Boas (all different), 4 hermit crabs, a Reticulated Python, Red Tegu named Gator, 6 different morphs of Leopard Geckos, a crested &  gargoyle gecko, 2 rabbits, a pet rat tamed timmy, and lest we forget the 2 different types of roaches that i breed to feed my geckos & bearded dragons...oh yeah, we have 3 of those. Ever wonder if you could turn your days tasks into a "what my time is spent doing..." pie chart, what that would look like? MINE, the largest slice of that imaginary cherry pie would be laundry or feeding something. HAHA, no really. i'm pretty sure it would look like the most unproportionately sliced thing you have ever seen....ksndnfnbihte54eascdvfbgnhmi,.c>C!SV BN<Kuk8&^5rgsfCZDswe3

Whoops, sorry, 3 am came early and i had fallen asleep. Its now almost 11 am and i have spent the last few hours playing with and feeding all my morning eaters. so fun just having a saturday morning to ourselves and watch tv, play with the dog in my living room and eat breakfast as needed.
Oh and this is what gets fed around here... Machine generated alternative text:
Red Tail Boas 
1 Retic 
Leo Geckos 
restie/Ga rgoyle 
Hermit Cra bs 
Ra bbits 
1 Rat 
1 Tegu 
xa ay 
Ix a week 
Ix a week 
Ix at night 
Ix at night 
Ix a day 
2x a day 
Ix a day 
2x a day 
2x a day 
Ix at night 
2x a day

9/24/2016 3:29 PM - Screen Clipping

 So why did I start out with the "right now"? Well, i just wanted to tell you that i have an amazing and chaotic life but it has taken me so much to get where i am that i had to start with whats looks like the end of the story so that you wouldnt be discouraged of the outcome when you get to the gnitty gritty. 

Next Time On "Caos De Vida"

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