Monday, September 26, 2011

Catch 22 S.ugar H.oney I.ce T.ea!!!!!!!!

Let me start by saying that my kids came to TW from Wild Peach Elementary! A school where they (D. Terry & the other wonderful ladies in the office) work with you when you have scheduling differences. Where my Curly Top would have been at school all day and my Toe Head would not get PENALIZED just cause momma AINT GOT NO DAMN CAR!!!!

Though TW may have seemed to be a great school in the beginning, I cant see why anyone has thier kids in BISD elementary schools. HOW THE HELL ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO HAVE A LIFE AND STILL GET YOUR KIDS DOCTORS APPT??????

I'm beginning to think there's mention of
of TW in there....this school seems to
be a joke in itself.
We only have one vehicle, and at my kids OTHER school, that would not have been a problem. Here in BISD territory however.....thats apparently a big NO-NO!! In WPE Curly Top would have been allowed to be in school till 3:30 like all the other kids and get just as much out of class as possible. HERE: its 10:55 release and no exceptions. At WPE it would not have been a problem to pull Toe Head out at 2pm so that I wouldnt be late for his 3:30 pick up due to a WIC or DR appt that Curly Top or Fatso or myself has. HERE @ TW its considered an absence no matter if the child is pulled after 10am or 3pm. If I pulled Toe Head at 3:20pm its a "Partial Day" absence and it counts. If I have to pick up Toe Head a bit early cause I dont have a car and me and my other kids have to be somewhere, my 6 yr old suffers. If i have to pull my kids out early just so that I can pack them all up and hitch a ride either with a friend or on transit, the school of all people should understand.

I mean I'm sorry but if a CHILDRENS school cant understand that if mom goes, sometimes the kids have to go....then what good are they as employees of a school where KIDS ARE IMPORTANT? This does NOT exclude in anyway, secretaries, mediators, teachers, HIGH FALUTIN SNOBBY PARENTS....SERIOUSLY, If that is how things are here in BISD and @TW then someone tell me why they are so good for my kids? Ass we all know, my oldest son was "LOST" a few weeks ago along with another child in his grade. Toe Head was supposed to be a car-rider and he walked home with no one knowing where he was. The other child somehow got home about 12 and when his parent got to the school to pick him up at 3:30pm there was no explanation as to why he was not there. NO ONE KNEW FOR A FEW HOURS THAT A CHILD WAS MISSING...and yet I'm sure he was not counted as being absent seeing as no one realized he was gone in the first place. how can one friggin hour have any bit of effect on MY SON at the end of the day????? FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, they're outside on the playground most of the time. tell me how that makes a difference???!!!!

SOME PEOPLE.....need to take life with a grain of salt,,,,AND MAKE THEIR HOME IN THE SAHARA!!!!

If i have in-fact touched a nerve in anyone, GOOD! if i've gotten on a nerve, WHO CARES ITS MY BLOG- express yourself in a comment. If you are like me (when im not fuming mad) and you have found all the punctuation mistakes, See #3 of my first post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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