Friday, September 23, 2011

What works anymore?????

My hall bath toilet is backed up again or maybe it just decided that it does'nt want to work for us anymore and quit his job. My Daughter has a cold, congestion, ear infection, diarhea from the meds shes on now and a yeast infection. Did I mention that I cant take her to her Dr. appt because she litterally is peeing POOP? or pooping pee, one or the other. I cant call to cancel/reshedule because the ladies up front say I need to talk to a nurse about it, the nurse said I need to speak with a schedular up front, the ladies up front don't know why I'm upset at every person I speak to. Then there's the phone. Just as everything calms down and I was able to get my poop filled, cough ridden, ear aching daughter into her stroller to go meet the bus at the bus stop, WHAM my phone falls out of the strollers cup holder as we cross over the metal threshold of the doorway, hits the metal panel and spider cracks the whole screen! CRAP. So, to recap, I've got a crapped out poop tank, a baby who's tank is full but rapidly being emptied, and  a phone that i cant even see what is on the screen....YEAH FOR MY DAY!!!

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