Saturday, September 9, 2017

What a leak

This is not me's just venting and contemplating...
Anyone else happy that school will be back in session this week?
Yay. Me too.
Anyone else wondering where their child will be sleeping because their house has water damage or no walls right now?
Yay. Me too.
Anyone else thinking of keeping their kids out just a few more days, let them be evacuated to wherever, while your home gets put back together.....
Shit. Me too.
Am I a good mom? IDK
Am I making the right choice for them? IDK
Will the school punish them for not being at school for the first 3 days? IDK
But do I care? No.
I'll fight it. My kids have no where to sleep in my home. We can't get to most of their clothes.
Did we have it as bad as others? No way. But I'm not letting my kids come home to rooms so full of, you can barely open the door. Rooms so  bare and so torn up, that you can see daylight thru holes in the walls.
I'm tough as nails when it comes to my kids....but this house isn't there home and if I can spare them from...maybe feeling less safe in this home, because they saw how weakend it was.... This house is safe. This is their house. This house, was bought, so they would have more safe places than the apartment we were crammed into.
I'm at a loss....
Anyone else have kids going back to school this week, but y'all are still flooded out, evacuated, no beds, house in deconstruction mode? I'm freaking out here. I'm so lost. I don't even know what to do. Right now, I'm sitting, hidden away, in the bathroom, on the toilet, not even doing anything, just sitting here, thinking...... And the only thing I know, is I will never, ever, ever, figure out why there's this leak in our tub.... I have so much to be thankful for, that others don't right now. My home, is standing, not floating. My home didn't have multiple feet of water in it. My children and animals are all safe. My spouse worked thru the storm when some had no jobs. He worked hard and he came home when I needed him to. My parents and grandparents worked hard with their homes and  kids and with my emotional strength. We did not have to leave the only house my kids call home. My life is not anything to complain about. I'm blessed. But I'm also frazzled. I have no idea what to think right now. Can I just take a morning nap? Would that be okay?
Can we just cancel school for a bit longer lmao

Friday, September 1, 2017

What Evacuation?

As much frustration as you all seem to have with your city officials, most everyone did get out alive except for people who drove into flood waters. Our death toll has and will be far far less than Katrina which was a weaker storm. I think our officials did the best they could with the little time they had.

People are pissed at Bay City for being evacuated. Others are pissed for not being evacuated soon enough.

It's up to you, not the government, to make sure you and your family is safe. We all knew about this storm my Wednesday evening, Thursday morning at the latest. If you don't watch the news, it was all over our newsfeeds. I'm not trying to be rude..  Just trying to explain so next time you can get you and your family out long before the officials ever call for you to do so. We played it safe and got us and our family to safety Thursday morning. We were still in the red but we got us to higher ground.

It is also my understanding that most shelters especially in Matagorda County and the outer lying areas were accepting pets. I have several friends who stayed at shelters with theirs.

There was no excuse to stay behind. I can say that even knowing my dad was one of the idiots who stayed behind. Just because everyone else is staying in a town about to be leveled doesn't mean that you should.

This is the coast and we all knew it was only a matter of time before a storm like this hit. Everyone should have had an escape plan long before this storm ever showed up. Why should the government have to tell you to be safe?

(Posted elsewhere.. But relevant here as well)
A post by Katie k.